• Accredited "B++" by NAAC
  • Affiliated to H.N.B. Garhwal Central University, Srinagar, Garhwal, Uttarakhand
  • Approved by Govt. of Uttarakhand, Indian Association of Physiotherapists (IAP) and National Council for Teachers Education (NCTE)
  • Recognized by UGC u/s. 2(f) and recognized as a Local Chapter for NPTEL activities by IIT Madras
  • Attached with 200 bedded Multi Speciality Hospitals in Dehradun, namely Dolphin Jan Kalyan Multi Specialty Hospital and Synergy Institute of Medical Sciences

AN AUTONOMOUS COLLEGE... To Know More Click Here

The Dawn of a NEW Era - D.I.B.N.S. is now an AUTONOMOUS COLLEGE

Duration: 4 years

Me-Me: Multiple entry and exit options 

An overview of the programme

Under this head kindly provide the definition of the programmein  few points of large prospects of the programme

Definition : Biotechnology is the use of biology to develop new products ,  methods and organisms intended to improve human health and society

Future prospects/ Job availability/ Scope

Under this head kindly provide the importance of programme from future prospectives with some examples where graduatesmay get employment i.e.Industry/firm/institution/public and private sectors… etc


Under this head kindly provide the specific objectives of the programme with very much clarity as per students point of view…. easy to understand.

Programme out comes 

Under this head kindly provide the details aligned withThe Learning outcomes descriptorsdescribed by NEP 2020 as follows….  For details Reference ….. NHEQF page 21.

A. Learning outcomes that are specific to Biotechnology areas of learning:

  1. A comprehensive knowledge and coherent understanding of the Biotechnology in a broad multidisciplinary context,
  2. Procedural knowledge required for carrying out professional or highly skilled work/tasks related to biotechnology
  3. skills in areas related to specialization in the biotechnology
  4. capacity to extrapolate from what has been learnt, and apply acquired competencies in new/unfamiliar contexts.

B. Generic learning outcomes:

  1. Complex problem-solving:
  2. Critical thinking:
  3. Creativity:
  4. Communication Skills:
  5. Analytical reasoning/thinking:
  6. Research-related skills:
  7. Coordinating/collaborating with others:
  8. Leadership readiness/qualities:
  9. Digital literacy and skills:
  10. Multicultural competence:
  11. Value inculcation:
  12. Autonomy, responsibility and accountability:
  13. Environmental awareness and action:
  14. Community engagement and service:
  15. Empathy:

 Structure of the programme:

(Under this head kindly provide as per below)

Major(Core) : Provide the list of all-possible major courses which department is going to offer
MinorStream : Provide the list of all-possible minor courses which department is going to offer)
Multidisciplinary : Provide the list of all-possible Multidisciplinary courses which department is going to offer)
Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC): Provide the list of all-possible AEC courses which department is going to offer)
Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) : Provide the list of all-possible SEC courses which department is going to offer)
Value Added Courses common for all : Provide the list of all-possible VACcourses which department is going to offer)